Several recent studies have shown the benefits of chiropractic care for children suffering from “Nocturnal Enuresis” more commonly known as bedwetting. Several studies published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics showed marked improvement in children with this problem over children who did not receive chiropractic care.
In one study, 171 children suffering with enuresis averaged 7 nights of bed wetting per week prior to the study. After the children were given some initial chiropractic care, the average child reduced the number of “wet” nights to 4 nights per week. A full 25% of the children receiving chiropractic showed a 50% reduction in wet nights. In addition, only 1% of the children were considered “dry” prior to the study and prior to receiving chiropractic care. After the study 15% of the children were then considered “dry”.
In another study, 46 primary enuretic children were studied. Of this group 31 were placed under chiropractic care while 15 were in the control group and did not receive any chiropractic care. The results of this study showed a 17.9% decrease in wet nights for the chiropractic group. Over the same period of time no change was noted for the control group who did not receive any chiropractic care.
Amazingly, improvement in some of the studies was shown to be immediate after the first adjustment and remained stable thereafter.
It is really important to understand that children are subluxated, starting from the birth process; therefore prevention by early examination of asymptomatic children is the key and outweighs the symptom-based approach.
Bedwetting is just one of many other problems that occur as a result of subluxation.
After the neck, the low back is the second most common area of subluxation. Science has shown that subluxation chokes the spinal cord and applies dangerous pressure on the spinal cord causing dysfunction in the Autonomic Nervous System.
Pictured above, is the network of nerves going from the low back to a multitude of organs. How many people you know suffer or have problems with organs from this picture
There are a countless number of people in our office who have reported improvement in these areas as well as, Bedwetting, IBS, Infertility, Menstrual Cramps and Irregularity, Low back pain, Prostatic, Uteral and Ovarian problems, Sciatica, Numbness and tingling in legs, etc.
Even if people do not feel any problems there yet, how many people will have problems with those organs in their lifetime?
If you know or hear somebody complaining about those problems, ask them about their low back and say just MAYBE, just MAYBE, chiropractic might help.
Be a blessing to someone today and tell them about chiropractic!