Our son, Valentin, is one of the biggest gifts we have got as a family. God blessed him to be an authentic and speaks his mind without any filters. And the beauty of it is that it comes so naturally and at the same time makes me think way more because he can also generate some deep thought in me. I bet that am not alone in this Universe as a parent with those experiences with our children.

One day we were driving together to a go-carting place and Valentin asked me “Dad, do you know that I quit my newspaper route?” I said quite disappointingly “Yes son, I do know that?” And naturally the thought of failure came to my mind. It wasn’t even mine, it was a seed of negativity trying to deposit in my mind and than I went through exercise of what if I pretend to accept that thought than the next thought was “Oh, no, another quit, gymnastic, swimming, soccer. For how long should we invest our time and his life in the next failure? Maybe even go-karting that I am driving him now to will be another failure?”

You’ve got the picture…….Here where the story begins……..

Valentin asks me “Do you know why I quit my newspapers?” I really had nothing to say, but in my mind I was thinking that may be he got bored to death, or may be it is not so rewarding, so I said “I don’t really know, and most likely I don’t even want to know. I trained you how to deal with issues and you either deal with them or live with them.”

He said “Dad, I quit the newspapers because I value your vision so much, and it is bigger than mine and I want to help you to save more lives and to serve more people. I want to be part of it. Because my vision not as big as yours.”

Here I am, trained, and educated leader thinking “Who is leading Who?”

  “Leadership is influence nothing more nothing less.”

                                                                                                             John Maxwell

At that moment, our son inspired me so much and lead me to continue striving beyond my actual capacity by him making choice instead of delivering newspapers he wants to help me in whatever task needed to  safe and serve as many people as possible. He TOUCHED MY HEART!

I think he got the vision right that researchers already confirmed that “reduction of Subluxation by Specific, Scientific, and Chiropractic Adjustment helps to express positive genes of our DNA.”  Valentin just understood the weight of this in peoples life and wanted to be a part of it. It also means that potentially being well adjusted may have impact on the future generations!

It means that you, your kids, the kids of your kids, if they getting adjusted may have happier and healthier life!

How big is your vision for your family, neighborhood, office, province, country or even the world?

Do you want to see your grandchildren to be healthier than the current generation?

Do you want to live in happier and healthier neighborhood?

Do you want people celebrate health or pray for someone’s healing?

If your vision is not as big as mine, it is OK, I invite you  to “Buy-In” into it.

The truth is that the Law of Buy-In states that we are all Buy-in in something. Why not to Buy-In in something that is better than now? I believe that there is more health! More Love! More Joy! More Happiness possible than now! I am completely sold-out on this!

The biggest lesion I learned from Jesus is when Jesus said “Follow me”, they really had no clue what kind of vision He had, and the simple people, like me and you, they simply choose to Buy-in into HIS vision and that continue transforming the world even now after two millenniums!

Be blessed,