(by Dr. Ben Learner)
Although the heart attack rate from daily aspirin ingestion is less, the overall death rate is unchanged. Those on aspirin have an increase in strokes and sudden death from other causes. As William Campbell Douglass, MD writes: “Every time you take an aspirin you bleed a little into your gut. A microscope will show every time that the bowel movement of someone on a daily aspirin contains blood. If it’s happening in your gut, how do you know it’s not happening in your brain? How many strokes are precipitated by chronic aspirin intake? How many fatal hemorrhages of the brain, spleen, lower, intestine or lung occur after an automobile accident because the blood was thinned with aspirin? Nobody knows and nobody is checking.”
For many years chiropractors have warred against the use of drugs with their harmful side effects and now we are seeing medical doctors taking up these warnings too. As long as there is an industry that benefits from you being sick there will continue to be this unethical problem. Drug companies make more money the sicker we Canadians are. Aspirin for you heart, Prozac and Valium for your anxiety, sleeping pills to help you sleep and caffeine to wake you up. A pill or potion for your every ill. And the sad thing is we’ve bought into all the propaganda. Drugs are a billion dollar industry – ask any investment broker, some of the most profitable companies on the planet are drug companies. The sicker you are, the more drugs they can pump out and into you, the richer they become.
If the situation in Canada wasn’t so desperate it would be funny – but it’s not funny, it’s deadly serious. Even our elected officials have been duped into thinking that throwing more money into a dying and sickness oriented system can help. The problem isn’t money – we’ve spent billions, the problem is that true health has never come from a drug (and never will!). True health comes from within – a fully functioning body, starting with a healthy nervous system, the master system of the body!
God didn’t make you with an aspirin deficiency or a lack of health – you just need to remove the interference. Chiropractic has been removing interference for 122 years, safely and naturally! That’s why chiropractic families are the healthiest families on the planet!