Do you like when your bank account, email, website or house being hacked? What about your brain?

The article is titled “Can the Nervous System be Hacked?” and was published in the New York Times back in 2014 trying to gain some sympathy from public and the desire to and promises of technological advancement and it’s possible health benefits. A pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline is investing a $50 million dollars to the research funds and a $1 Million reward for the first research group who can create a device to hack the nervous system(It has been already done by 2017)

From the article:

“Conceptually, bioelectronics is straightforward: Get the nervous system to tell the body to heal itself.  The biggest challenge is interpreting the conversation between the body’s organs and its nervous system”, according to Kris Famm, who runs the newly formed Bioelectronics R. & D. Unit at GlaxoSmithKline. “No one has really tried to speak the electrical language of the body,” he says. “Instead of drugs, the treatment is a pattern of electrical impulses,” Famm says. “The information is the treatment.” In addition to rheumatoid arthritis, Famm elieves, bioelectronic medicine might someday treat hypertensionasthmadiabetesepilepsyinfertilityobesity and cancer. “ Get the nervous system to tell the body to heal itself…

SAY WHAT??? Like our brain don’t know what to do…..

Imaging you’re giving an access to a machine to control some functions of your brain, like healing? Sounds good! Don’t need to do much, fast, easy, relatively cheap, can be done at home, at your convenience etc. All good promises….

Imaging that your God’s given Innate Intelligence will be influenced by human engineered software impulses?

What about software errors? Glitches in devices? What about sneaky viruses? What about long term effects? Are there any long term observational studies that show long term side effects from the technology that developed 2-3 years ago?It’s always a promise of security when we are buying into some “NEW-HOW” while we know that it’s not always the case.

Now when medicine is failing, they, as in medicine and big pharma, are looking to influence the nervous system using primary lies that they already placed in the minds of the society for example: “There is a Quick Fix for Health Issues.” “Symptoms are the only things that matter.” “As long as you feel fine you are good.” “You don’t need to work hard there will be a machine working for you, doing some healing” etc.

At the same time Chiropractic profession is being demoralized by offering rights to prescribe drugs and some of the Chiropractors are buying into that! They are trying to takes us Out! They always did! And they always will try to split and destroy! That’s what they do the best.

Since 1895 Dr. DD Palmer delivered first adjustment and explanation that Nervous System is the “Master System” of the body. Chiropractors were cherishing this knowledge and helping people to get healthier.

Chiropractic has a PROVEN record of 121 years by 2017 and the more we know and understand about it and most importantly using it the better it gets.  Just to keep you up to speed on a few of the really interesting outcomes Chiropractic has had on people and health care – take a look below:

Quality of Life study by Blanks, Shuster and Dobson.  JVSR 1997;1(4):15.

  • 2,818 respondents in 156 practices
  • 95%  reported their expectations had been met
  • 99% wished to continue care

Senior Citizens Over 75 Years of Age study by Coulter, et al.  Topics in

Clinical Chiropractic 1996;3(2):46. Chiropractic vs. non-chiropractic patients in an insurance data base.

  • Reported better overall health, fewer prescription drugs, and more activity.
  • 21% less time in hospitals over last 3 years.

Senior Citizens Over 65 Years of Age study Rupert, Manello and Sandefur. JMPT 2000;23(1):10.

Patients had “maintenance care” for 5 years or longer.

  • 50% fewer medical provider visits.
  • 31% of national average for health care services.
  • 8% felt care “considerably” or “extremely” valuable.

 HMO Illinois: report BC/BS Primary care DCs

  • 2% decrease in hospital admissions
  • 59% decrease in hospital days
  • 62% decrease in outpatient surgeries and procedures, and
  • 85% reduction in pharmaceutical costs off compared to normative values.

I trust that when God created me he knew what he is doing! Simple as that! And studies already proved that. Have a Subluxation free LIFE!