“It’s not about you…”

  Rick Warren. Author of “Purpose Driven Life”


In the Bible Jesus talks about THE LIGHT within us that must shine. It is not our light, but we have a choice to shine or not to shine. To shine and guide ourselves and other people from darkness to light. I love to see your inspiration and you are sharing the message with your friends and family about chiropractic care that there is a WAY to be healthy in live. THE LIGHT and THE POWER that God breath the life into us have the same origin, GOD! The more LIGHT the more POWER the better it is for us and for others! But it’s not about you, alone.


But there is a constant opposition to shine or the Light and the Power to manifest. Often we face opposition while we are talking to people who is literally stuck in their self-esteem traumas and mechanistic, comforting death, sick care model. I have lots of memories of those painful (compassionate) conversations. The most painful of those are with those people who are the closest to our hearts, isn’t it?


The truth is that they really want to have that spark of light that is growing inside of you and becoming fire of flames so big that it can give enough heat to keep everybody healthy and well. The heat of that fire can give lots of new fires and actually safe their “luke warm lives” and allow people to live fully alive.


So how do we give a safe spark?


The reason why people have a hard time to accept the new truth is because they have been hurt in their previous life by other people or circumstances, deep inside their soul. They are afraid to trust again, because those echoes of the past, WOUNDS, created a dent of their security system. So, they choose not to trust anyone. Another factor, FEAR of being hurt again, stops them from moving to a better, bigger and brighter future. We need to be really soft and gentle with those wounded souls. Imaging they are like a bleeding, wild lions, they roar trough their pain, and only allow the most gentle and friendly friend to come out close and help them out.


It is not your fault that they have been hurt. In contrary, they want to have piece of your fire, but they are afraid. Keep inspiring people until they have enough courage to step into their fear and destiny. But the only one way for them to heal is actually to step into it and find out that there is someone who loves and care for them, like you.


The best way to help someone to get to chiropractic office is to GENTLY INVITE them on the journey with us by explaining why we are doing it. Simply INVITE! I call it “RELENTLESS INVITATION” because “it’s not about you or me” It’s all about them!