God created entire Universe by speaking into an empty space. We are made in the God’s perfect image. So our words can have the same powerful effect as God’s.

I often hear “Hey, Dr. D. I have pain here and there and muscle spasm and sore there and on and on and on.” We know that medicine trained people to complain and developed habits to complain to a doctor. Without complain often people don’t get any help. We understand that habit. The challenge is that it doesn’t serve you. In contrary, symptoms are unreliable indicators of health and can be completely misleading. Let me explain: a person without symptoms can have a serious condition such as cancer, diabetes, heart problem, subluxation and vice versa, a person with many symptoms can be totally fine.

Our brain perceives every word as 100% true and even amplifies it, under certain circumstances. For example: a person in healthy state repeats 10 times “I am sick, I am in pain, I am falling apart” their brain actually believes it, and person will get sick even more. If a person with symptoms say “I am healing. I am strong. I am capable to overcome this!” They inevitably help themselves to recover.

This phenomenon is published in multiple scientific literature and has been observed in my practice as well. People who complain generally recover 5-10 times slower. People with generally positive attitude recover 5-10 times faster. This principle is a basic principle of the Mind-Body Healing.

1. Pain is very interesting phenomenon, where person feels a pain it’s often from problem from somewhere else and painful area just takes a compensatory overload.  And causing tissue to respond on it. Problem can be in different place or side. So we need to very careful saying about location of the problem.

2. Symptoms are not always bad. Pain and Harm are two absolutely different events. Example: one may have pain and not being able to recollect any history of traumatic event, for example working out in the gym and get the pain two days after. It’s not necessarily bad thing, and it’s actually good for you. It may be showing this person a weak spot. A person can may get hurt and not even feel a thing, for example, have high blood pressure level, we don’t feel it, or hormonal disbalance, we don’t feel it, or even cancer and there are no sign or symptom of any king in many year from onset. Same as subluxation, can occur in childhood and 20-30 years later we get symptoms. So we need to keep open mind about onset of condition.

3. High blood sugar, high blood pressure, cancer, SUBLUXATION, they are all SILENT KILLERS. They don’t kill us instantly, they kill us slowly, over time, rubbing off a quality and longevity of life. So we need to speak life into us and choose constructive actions towards our health

At our office we are practicing in Vitalistic or Holistic model of health and they are different from Mechanistic or Allopathic model in many ways. In Vitalistic model doctors care of the cause of the disease and empower patient to take responsibility for their health. In Mechanistic model doctors’ depower patients but telling that “it’s all about genes.” “You are old.”” nothing can be done” and offer symptomatic relief.

So, what we say not only impacts us internally, but also effect other people to respond on our words differently by trying to help us. Therefore we need to choose word very carefully and at the same time take responsibility for our own health and choices that we make. Than we can get results that we are looking for.