Unfortunately, by nature, I am a very skeptical person. In my personal life, I need to go through experiences to realize my failures and correct them. In this letter, I will share one of the oldest and most known concepts that every married person has heard about but commonly forgot or has not taken seriously as a way of living life. When we get married, we pronounced to repeat after a government clerk some very magical words “a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:23-25

I am blessed that my wife is a very intelligent and educated woman, so she is as stubborn as I, but look what happened; it took me 10 years to convince her to do regular exercises. And another 2-3 years to start modifying our eastern European diet to eat healthier.

So now, Natasha goes to the gym 3-5 times a week doing cardio, weight lifting, yoga etc. In reference to her fitness she is stronger than she has ever been in her entire life. I know that there are some occasional weeks when she trains more than I do. In some instances, she performs better than I do, but without each other’s support in every step towards our health, we wouldn’t be able to do it and we would waste so much energy and effort that could have gone towards health and vitality. The key is we are getting closer and closer together instead of divergence.

Natasha’s weight is the same as it was when she was 20 years old, her migraines are gone, her insomnia is gone, and she actually forgot when she last used her OHIP card.

We eat way healthier than before and  are still trying to improve it, every day, every week, every month. We are 20 times healthier but it is not anywhere near what we can do. We are both on the same journey and it’s hard even though we are doing it together.

WE remember those years of family disaster, compared to the harmony that we live in now, but the scariest thing is that during those years I thought that it was normal to have arguments and disagreements, without realizing that we are not living as one, we are living as two and not moving anywhere.

Can we continuously improve our diet and fitness? Absolutely. Do we have a perfect family relationships? No, but we are working on them every day. Is it easy? NO, we need to be OK with it. Because whether we are ok with it or not, it’s not easy anyway.

Reality is that WE ARE ALL on the same journey, you, doctors, our team members, our families and our kids. We are working towards our health and our relationships in every moment but we are also not losing our health and relationships in the moment. It’s always better to have soul mates with us on the way to a healthier and happier life, and especially to be a good example to our children.

If you are the only one in the family getting adjusted, we understand and salute your effort to be here, to stay on track, and we will encourage you not just to talk about it, but to be living proof and an example for everyone. “We ALL will be judged not for what we say, but for what we do”

Love ya.