That’s what defines your results and the possibility to reach your dreams in life.

“He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all times”

                                                                                    – Johann von Schiller, Playwright.

Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to decorate a small chapel in Vatican. Though as a boy he was trained to paint, his passion was sculpture, but when the pope pressed him, Michelangelo reluctantly accepted the agreement. He thoroughly committed himself to it, expanding the project from a simple depiction of twelve apostles to include more than four hundred figures in nine scenes from the book of Genesis.

For four years lying down on his back, painting the ceilings, he almost lost his sight and after all he said, “After four tortured years, more than four hundred over-life-sized figures, I felt as old and as weary as Jeremiah. I was only thirty-seven, yet friends did not recognize the old man I had become.”

By this act, Michelangelo impacted the entire world history and art forever and changed the course of paintings in Europe.

For each person, commitment means different things: for a fighter,  it’s getting off the mat one more time after being knocked down; for a marathon runner, it’s running another mile;  for a soldier, it’s going over the hill without knowing what is waiting for him on the other side;  for a  missionary, it’s saying good-bye  to own comforts to make life better for others; for a doctor, it’s to ask who else may need my help, being afraid for rejection;  for you it’s saying, “Yes, I am worthy enough to take care of my health” and start being adjusted.

1.     Commitment and your Healing starts in the Heart.

Michael Jordan said, “Heart is what separates the good from the great.”

Some people wait for perfect circumstances and waste their precious time. But commitment ALWAYS precedes achievement. Those who are committed receive results.

2.    Commitment is tested by action. Arthur Gordon acknowledged that.” Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them day after day”. Are you on schedule for your adjustments? Are you doing your exercises? What small changes do you make to improve your health daily? Action-that’s what counts.

3.     Commitment Opens the Door to Opportunity, an opportunity to be healthier.

“Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press on, to get up, no matter how many times you are knocked down” commented David McNally. Easily saying, if you want to get anywhere worthwhile, you must be committed, and then it will lead you there.

But here is the thing, as soon as you make any commitment, you will be tested. Stay strong and persevere, and the victory is already ahead of you. Don’t let small challenges stop you from getting healthier, comparing to your health, they are all small things!

Remember “Comfort is the greatest enemy of success” if you choose comfort over the “stretch,” than you and your family are not going to get any healthier.

Stay Well Adjusted! God Bless you,