People with humility don’t think less of themselves … they just think about themselves less.


Great people are not consumed by their own importance.  When they succeed, they’re happy – particularly if they performed well.  When they fail, they’re not happy – but they are able to put that behind them.


Fear and the need to be right dominate people who are ego-driven. They’re afraid to fail because they think their worth as human beings depends on how others see them.  They have to keep succeeding to prove they’re okay.  To ego-driven people, only the number of wins, sales, conquests, or acquisitions they achieve measures success.  Great people want to win, but they don’t fall apart when they lose.


“One of the most destructive traits a person can have today is arrogance – acting like you’ve got it together all the time.  On the other hand, one of the most endearing qualities a person can have is to be in touch with his or her vulnerability.  It’s that side of a person that keeps the vision from crumbling under the pressure of circumstance.”

-Ken Blanchard


I was told that the greatest person who ever walked the planet, Jesus, had shown things that were his keys to success.  Ferocious will and extraordinary humility.  Pride is over rated, arrogance is destructive, and self-righteousness is pathetic.  However, expressing humility is always welcome.  It may not be trendy but it sure is refreshing.


I know I’m in trouble (and the people around me are in trouble) when the big “I” becomes my primary focus.  This is the only sure way I know where everyone loses.