In the last 8 weeks I had series of health challenges.  After the episode in July, I am still slowly recovering. Every time when I bring back my intense workouts I get fever, headache and a running nose. It means that recovery will be slow and lengthy, because two weeks periods of withdrawal from physical activities do not give me a sufficient recovery to go back to my pre-event activities.  I have know idea how long it will take, but know I need to sharpen my focus on how NOT to lose my fitness level with diminished level of physical activities. Am I discouraged? NO.

It is the time not to question: Why did it happen to me? What exactly happened? I may never know or figure out exact answers. But, It is the time to reassess the situation and ask how am I going to continue my recovery with the little as possible decline in my overall well-being?

There are couple of things that are in my mind that will help me to continue a steady and certain recovery:

  1. Occasionally, I rescheduled my one on two adjustments a month due to conferences and travel. #1 I am going to be more focuses on my adjustment schedule. NOW, no more messing it up.  Adjustment is the easiest, fastest and it gives the best health return without any negative side effects.
  2. I have to have super discipline with my diet. Specifically not to gain extra weight with decreased training activities.
  3. I will be paying more and more attention with my daily routine: meal times, rest times, sleep cycle (circadian rhythm), vision time, family time.
  4. Monitor responses on stressors. I can’t minimize the stress that the world applying to me, but I can monitor my response on that stress. I will trust more and more in my Heavenly Father.
  5. Spending more time in reading bible and prayer.
  6. Focusing on positive activities, positive people around me and celebrate all little things.
  7. Focusing more on the process and finding joy within everyday activities despite of the outcomes.

Life is a continuum of events that in many instances we have little to no control. I will do everything possible to control my freewill and in everything else trust in God that He will take care of the rest.

Every time, when He pulls me through a serious struggle,  I realize that  “God has such a big plans for me that I am still alive and serving,  that is really hard to comprehend”.

The book of Jeremiah says very clearly about it and it speaks to me and gives me peace, rest and healing:

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jer 29:1, NIV)

It is teaching me to continue to do those amazing things that God gave us in our possession and responsibility, such as stay well adjusted and maintain respect to our body and God will take care of the rest. I trust in it. Same I wish to you!